Sunday, July 17, 2011

How to Choose a Safety Training Services Company

If your company is concerned about employee safety, contracting a company to provide safety training services is a good step in the right direction. A safety training services company can help make your work site a safer place for all employees.

Hiring A Safety Supervisor

Nearly all accidents in the work place are preventable. They occur because employees are either not well-trained in safety procedures or they ignore posted safety regulations. Many companies add safety procedures into a  human resources position, meaning the safety supervisor is learning safety procedures as they go. Hiring someone to come in and discuss safety training with employees is a good first step in reducing workplace accidents. By hiring a dedicated safety training services supervisor, your employees will receive the most up to date safety information.

A safety supervisor is knowledgeable about work place accident prevention. They'll be able to look over your current work place procedures and identify areas that increase the potential for mishaps. Look for a company with employees knowledgeable in OSHA standards within your industry and check the safety record of potential safety training services companies before hiring one. It goes without saying that a company priding themselves on training safe employees needs to employ them.

Confined Space Rescue Team

If your industry requires that your employees work in small spaces, look for a company that has a confined space rescue program. The last thing you'll want is to look for a company when it's needed, so have one interviewed and selected before you need it. A safety training services company may have their own confined space rescue team, depending on the industry they serve.

Look for a team with a proven track record and a safety plan for all scenarios. Some situations the confined space rescue team should be able to handle are entrapment, engulfment, flammable gases and toxic fumes. They need to have real world experience - you don't want the team's first rescue to be yours.

Hole Watch Technicians

If the unthinkable has happened and you have trapped employees, do you know what to do? At this point, it's vital that you have someone experienced handling the crisis. A confined space rescue team will have dedicated people watching over your employees. They'll know how to monitor the air quality to make sure trapped employees are breathing the best possible air. Having experienced technicians at your site will ensure that trapped employees and rescue workers are in the safest possible conditions.

Many confined space rescue workers are equipped with CPR and first aid training. In addition, more experienced safety training services employees will also have rescue training so they can go in after trapped employees. Local rescue teams may not have experience in confined space rescues and a team with real world experience will be invaluable.

The potential for injury is present in any workplace, but the risk increases in industrial settings. Having a dedicated safety training services company to train employees on safety procedures and on call in case of a mishap is the first step in reducing employee accidents.
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